1. Shearon Lowery / Melvin L. DeFleur: Milestones in Mass Communication Research. New York 1983.
2. Paul Lazarsfeld / Bernard Berelson / Hazel Gaudet: The People’s Choice. New York 1944.
3. vgl. Joseph T. Klapper: The Effects of the Mass Media. New York 1960; William J. McGuire: The Nature of Attitudes and Attitude Change. In: Gardner Lindzey / Elliot Aronson (Hrsg.): The Handbook of Social Psychology. Bd. III. Reading 21969, S. 163–314; William J. McGuire: The Myth of Massive Media Impact: Savagings and Salvagings. In: »Public Communication and Behaviour«, 1. Jg. 1986, S. 175–257.
4. Shearon Lowery / Melvin L. DeFleur: a. a. O.
5. Philip Palmgreen / Lawrence A. Wenner /J. D. Rayburn II: Relations Between Gratifications Sought and Obtained. A Study of TV News. In: »Communication Research«, 7. Jg. 1980, S. 161-192