1. Federal Regulation 73 (140) (2008) 42444; EASA CS-25, Amendment 6, 2009
2. SAE International (2008) Aerospace Information Report AIR 1903 Aircraft Inerting Systems. https://doi.org/10.4271/AIR1903
3. Klein JK (1981) The F-16 Halon Tank Inerting System. Aircraft Systems and Technology Conference, AIAA-81-1638. https://doi.org/10.2514/6.1981-1638
4. Burns M, Cavage WM (2001) Ground and flight testing of a Boeing 737 center wing fuel tank inerted with nitrogen-enriched air. Federal Aviation Administration Report No.: DOT/FAA/AR-01/63
5. Cavage WM (2002) Ground-based inerting of commercial transport aircraft fuel tanks. In: RTO-MP-103, RTO AVT specialists’ meeting on fire safety and survivability, Aalborg, Denmark, 23–26 Sept 2002