AbstractWe introduce and analyse a general notion of fundamental group for noncommutative spaces, described by differential graded algebras. For this we consider connections on finitely generated projective bimodules over differential graded algebras and show that the category of flat connections on such modules forms a Tannakian category. As such this category can be realised as the category of representations of an affine group scheme G, which in the classical case is (the pro-algebraic completion of) the usual fundamental group. This motivates us to define G to be the fundamental group of the noncommutative space under consideration. The needed assumptions on the differential graded algebra are rather mild and completely natural in the context of noncommutative differential geometry. We establish the appropriate functorial properties, homotopy and Morita invariance of this fundamental group. As an example we find that the fundamental group of the noncommutative torus can be described as the algebraic hull of the topological group $(\mathbb Z+\theta \mathbb Z)^{2}$
Springer Science and Business Media LLC