1. “Proposal for a Long-Term Facility for Financing Purchases of Capital Goods by Developing Countries”, put forward by the Mexican Government at the meeting of the Development Committee, Mexico City, April 1978.
2. This proposal was worked out during the course of 1977 and presented by the President at a press conference after the meeting of OPEC ministers in Caracas in December 1977.
3. “A Proposal for Stepped-Up Co-Financing for Investment in Developing Countries”, OECD, Paris, May 1979.
4. “A Proposition for the Global Infrastructure Fund”, presented by Masaki Nakajima, President, Mitsubishi Research Institute, Tokyo, August 1978.
5. “A New World Development Plan—A Proposal”, by J. Tinbergen, J. M. den Uyl, J. P. Pronk, and W. Kok. Paper prepared for the Lysebu Symposium on “Massive Transfers of Resources—Concepts and Realities”, Oslo, 1–4 March 1981.