1. Abbey, E. (1968).Desert solitaire: A season in the wilderness. New York: McGraw-Hill.
2. Blum, H. (1983, August 3). “Bias incident” at Staten Island's Miller Field: A tale of two neighborhoods.The New York Times. Also printed in P.S. Rothenberg (Ed.). (1988).Racism and sexism: An integrated study (pp. 31–35). New York: St. Martin's Press.
3. Driver, T. F. (1987).The myth of Christian uniqueness. New York: Orbis.
4. Feldberg, M. (1980).The turbulent era: Riot and disorder in Jacksonian America. New York: Oxford University Press.
5. Habermas, J. (1982). A reply to my critics. In J. B. Thompson & D. Held (Eds.),Habermas: Critical debates (pp. 219–283). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.