1. For a recent review article on e+e-annihilation and QCD, see, for instance, (a)G. Wolf:Jet -production and fragmentation, DESY Report 82-077 (1982);
2. S. L. Wu: QCDand hadron jets, new results from PEPand PETEA, DESY Report 83-007 (1983).
3. G. Preparata:Phys. Rev. D,7, 2937 (1973);
4. for a broad review seeG. Preparata: inLepton Hadron Structure, edited byA. Zichichi (New York, N. Y., 1975), p. 54.
5. The general application of QGD to inelastic processes is reviewed inG. Preparata: inPhysics in Collision, Vol.1, edited byP. Teevee andG. Bellini (New York, N. Y., 1982), p. 53.