1. L. Prandtl, Nachr. Kgl. Ges. Wiss. Göttiugen, Math.-Phys. Klasse 1918, S. 451 und 1919, S. 107. Neudruck in: Vier Abhandlungen zur Hydromechanik und Aerodynamik, Göttingen (1927), S. 9.
2. V. M. Falkner, The Calculation of the Aerodynamic Loading on Surfaces of any Shape, ARC Rep. and Mem. Nr. 1910 (1943).
3. V. M. Falkner, Calculated Loadings due to Incidence of a Number of Straight and Swept-back Wings, ARC Rep. and Mem. Nr. 1542 (1948).
4. J. Ginzel, Jb. 1940 dtsch. Luftfahrtforsch. S. I, 238.
5. H. B. Helmbold, Jb. 1942 dtsch. Luftfahrtforsch. S. I, 111.