1. H. G. Hereward:Proc. of the Int. Conf. on High-Energy Accelerators, Dubna, 1963 (Moscow, 1964), p. 690.
2. F. W. Brasse, G. E. Fisher, M. Fotino, andK. W. Robinson:Proc. of the Int. Conf. on High-Energy Accelerators, Dubna,1963 (Moscow, 1964), p. 718.
3. U. Bizzarri andA. Turrin:Nuovo, Cimento,37, 751 (1965).
4. J. W. Benoit, K. B. conner, J. Kirchgessner andF. C. Shoemaker:Proc. of the First National Particle Accelerator Conf., Washington, 1965;IEEE Trans. on Nuclear Science NS-12 (1965), p. 926.
5. J. Kirchgessner, J. W. Benoit andF. C. Shoemaker: presented at theV Int. Conf. on High-Energy Accelerators, Frascati, September 1965.