Proving Lower Bounds Via Pseudo-random Generators


Agrawal Manindra


Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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2. Derandomization from Algebraic Hardness;SIAM Journal on Computing;2022-04

3. Demystifying the border of depth-3 algebraic circuits;2021 IEEE 62nd Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS);2022-02

4. Reconstruction algorithms for low-rank tensors and depth-3 multilinear circuits;Proceedings of the 53rd Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing;2021-06-15

5. Polynomial time deterministic identity testing algorithm for Σ [3] ΠΣΠ [2] circuits via Edelstein–Kelly type theorem for quadratic polynomials;Proceedings of the 53rd Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing;2021-06-15







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