1. Ainsworth, S. J. 1990. Plastics recycling ventures attack increasing waste problem.Chemical and Engineering News 68(28):19–22.
2. Ames, B. N., R. Magaw, and L. S. Gold. 1987. Ranking possible carcinogenic hazards.Science 236:271–280.
3. Anon. 1989. Genpak Corp. and Mobil Chem. Co. plant recycles foam products.World Wastes 32(2):14.
4. Anon. 1990a.This Week, Victoria, July 4, page M13.
5. Anon. 1990b. Garbage to light a small town.Chemical and Engineering News 68(10), (43):18–19. Estimates made based on populations of towns cited and the average per capita US power consumption, 1.36 kW. This figure was derived by dividing the gross annual US power consumption for 1988, 2.701 × 109 kWh, by the 1980 census population, 2.265 × 108, both data from the World Almanac and Book of Facts, M. S. Hoffman (ed.). Pharos Books, New York, 1990.