1. J.S. Campbell, P. Craven and P.W. Young, in:Catalysis Handbook (Wolfe, London, 1970) p. 97.
2. C.N. Satterfield, in:Heterogeneous Catalysis in Practice (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1980) p. 292.
3. H. Bohlbro, in:An Investigation on the Kinetics of the Conversions of Carbon Monoxide with Water Vapor over Iron Oxide Based Catalysts (The Haldor Tops�e Laboratory, Vedback, 1969) p. 9.
4. M.R. Appell et al., Chemical Industry (1982) 1703.
5. N.N. Lebedev, in:Chemistry and Technology of Basic Organic and Petrochemical Synthesis (Mir, Moscow, 1984) p. 561.