1. Arakawa, N. and Sonecoka, T., “A Test Case Generation Method for Concurrent Programs,” Proceedings of the 4th Int’1 Workshop on Protocol Test Systems,pp. III 35–47, Leidschendam, The Netherlands.
2. Cavalli, A., Kim, S. U., and Maigron, P., “Improving Conformance Testing for LOTOS,” Proceedings of the Sixth Intl Conference on Formal Description Techniques,pp. 371–386, Boston, USA, Oct.
3. Henniger O., “On Test Case Generation from Asynchronously Communicating State Machines,” Testing of Communicating Systems Vol 10 (also this is 10th Int’t Workshop on Testing of Communicating Systems, Cheju Island, Korea) edited by M. Kim, S. Kang and et al., Chapman and Hall, pp. 255–271, Sept.
4. ISO IS 9646 OSI Conformance Testing Methodology and Framework.
5. Itoh, M. and Ichikawa, H., “Protocol verification using reduced reachability analysis,” The Trans. of the IECÈ of Japan,Vol. 66, No. 2, pp. 88–93, Feb.