1. American Dairy Science Association. 1987. Score card and guide for creamed cottage cheese. ADSA Committee on the Evaluation of Dairy Products. Champaign, IL.
2. Angevine, N. 1964. The first commercial cottage cheese production in the U.S. American Cottage Cheese Institute Review. 4(2):1–2.
3. Bodyfelt, F.W. 1981a. Temperature control monitoring for cottage cheese plants. Dairy Record. 82(1):65.
4. Bodyfelt, F.W. 1981b. Sensory and shelf-life characteristics of cottage cheese treated with sorbic acid. In Proc. Biennial Marschall Int’l Cheese Conference. Madison, WI.
5. Bodyfelt, F.W. 1982. Processors need to put some pinch on salt. Dairy Record. 83(4):83