1. Association of American Railroads, 2005. The Impact of the Staggers Rail Act of 1980 (Feb. 2005) (available on line at http://www.aar.org/).
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3. Bank One Corporation. 2004b. Response of Bank One Corporation to August 5 Reply Comments Of OCA and Valpak in Docket No. MC2004-3, Rate and Service Changes to Implement Functionally Equivalent Negotiated Service Agreement with Bank One Corporation (filed Aug. 10, 2004).
4. Bank One Corporation. 2004c. Brief of Bank One Corporation in Docket No. MC2004-3, Rate and Service Changes to Implement Functionally Equivalent Negotiated Service Agreement with Bank One Corporation (Oct. 6, 2004).
5. Baumol, W.J., and R.D. Willig. 1983. “Pricing issues in the Deregulation of Railroad Rates.” In Economic Analysis of Regulated Markets, edited by J. Finsinger. Palgrave Macmillan.