1. ANR: The ANR web site http://www.agence-nationale- recherche.fr/documents/aap/2006/finance/Telecom-2006-resumes.pdf.
2. The OCARI project: The OCARI project web site http://ocari.lri.fr.
3. IEEE 802.15: Part 15.4: Wireless medium access control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) specifications for low-rate wireless personal area networks (WPANs). Stan- dard 802.15.4 R2006, ANSI/IEEE (2006)
4. Zigbee Alliance: Zigbee Specification. Standard Zigbee R2005 (2005)
5. Chalhoub, G., Guitton, A., Misson, M.: MAC specifications for a WPAN allowing both energy saving and guaranted delay - Part A: MaCARI: a synchronized tree- based mac protocol. In: Submitted to WSAN 2008