1. H. Baumgärtl, Personal communication, (2006).
2. P. Vaupel, Obituary for Dietrich Lübbers. Yearbook of the Academy of Science and Literature, Mainz, 2005/2006 (Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, 2006), pp. 127–130.
3. G. Thews, The scientific works of Dietrich Lübbers. Commemorative Volume on the Occasion of the Retiral of Prof. Dr med. D. W. Lübbers, 31st May 1985. edited by R. Kinne, H. Acker and E Leniger-Follert (Max-Plank-Institute for Systems Physiology, Dortmund, 1985).
4. D. W. Lübbers, Personal papers, ca 1996.
5. W. Niesel, D. W. Lübbers, D. Schneewolf, J. Richter and W. Botticher, Double beam spectrometer with 10-msec recording time. Rev. Sci. Inst. 35, 578–581 (1964).