1. Mecklenburger, J. (1994) The New Generation of American Schools. Inventing Tomorrow’s Schools, 4 (2), 18–20.
2. Collis, B., & Anderson, R. (1993) International assessment of functional computer literacy. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 19 (2), 213–232. ( For a larger range of references to support the conclusions in this section as well as throughout the paper, consult the author. Space considerations only allow a small sample of references here ).
3. Pelgrum, H., & Plomp, Tj. (1991) The Use of Computers in Education Worldwide. Oxford: Pergamon Press.
4. Muffoletto, R. (1994) Technology and Restructuring: Constructing a Context. Educational Technology, 34 (2), 24–28.
5. Cuban, L. (1986) Teachers and Machines: The Classroom Uses of Technology Since 1920. New York: Teachers College Press.