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2. D. V. Anosov, Ergodic properties of geodesic flows in closed Riemann manifolds of negative curvature, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR |5| (1963), 1250-1252. MR 29 # 561.
3. D. V. Anosov, Geodesic flows in closed Riemann manifolds of negative curvature, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklov 90 (1967), 210.
4. D. V. Anosov and Ya.G. Sinai, Some smooth ergodic systems, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk 22 : 5 (1967), 107-172. = Russian Math. Surveys 22 : 5 (1967), 103-167.
5. V. I. Arnol’d, Small denominators and the problem of stability of motion in classical and celestial mechanics, Uspekhi Mat. Nauk 18 : 6 (1963), 91-192. MR 30 # 943. = Russian Math. Surveys |8 : 6 (1963), 86-191.