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2. Peek CJ, Heinrich RL. Building a collaborative healthcare organization: from idea to invention to innovation. Fam Syst Med. 1995;13(3/4):327–342.
3. Peek CJ. Collaborative care: aids to navigation. Conference syllabus/handout distributed at Colloquium of National Leaders in Collaborative Behavioral Health and Primary Care: Taking collaborative mental health and primary care to the next level, June 14–16, 2007; Dearborn, MI;12–13.
4. Putman AO. Organizations. In: Putman AO, Davis KE, eds. Advances in Descriptive Psychology. Vol 5. Ann Arbor, MI: Descriptive Psychology Press; 1990:11–46.
5. Peek CJ. The 3 faces of the mind-body problem in healthcare. Paper presented at: The Annual Meeting of the Society for Descriptive Psychology, September 1988; Boulder, CO.