Steffenel Luiz Angelo,Jeannot Emmanuel
Reference16 articles.
1. C. Christara, X. Ding and Ken Jackson. An efficient transposition algorithm for distributed memory computers. Proc. of the High Performance Computing Systems and Applications, pages 349-368, 1999.
2. E. T. Midorikawa, H. M. Oliveira and J. M. Laine. PEMPIs: A New Metodology for Modeling and Prediction of MPI Programs Performance. Proc. of the SBAC-PAD 2004, IEEE Computer Society/Brazilian Computer Society, pages 254-261, 2004.
3. L. A. Steffenel and G. Mounie. Scheduling Heuristics for Efficient Broadcast Operations on Grid Environments. Proc. of the Performance Modeling, Evaluation and Optimization of Parallel and Distributed Systems Workshop - PMEO’06 (associated to IPDPS’06), IEEE Computer Society, April 2006.
4. T. Kielmann, H. Bal, S. Gorlatch, K. Verstoep and R. Hofman. Network Performance- aware Collective Communication for Clustered Wide Area Systems. J. Parallel Computing 27(11):1431-1456, 2001.
5. A. T. T. Chun. Performance Studies of High-Speed Communication on Commodity Cluster. PhD. Thesis, University of Hong Kong, 2001.