1. Kuosa, Meyrignac & Chen Shuwen having earlier found the size 12 solution +22, +61, +86, +127, +140, +151; +35, +47, +94, +121. + 146, +148
2. Daniel J. Bernstein, Enumerating solutions to p(a)+q(b) = r(c)+s(d) Math. Comput. 70(2001) 389–394; MR 2001f:11203.
3. U. Bini, Problem 3424, L’Intermédiaire des Math., 15(1908) 193.
4. B. J. Birch & H. P. F. Swinnerton-Dyer, Notes on elliptic curves, II, J. reine angew. Math., 218(1965) 79–108.
5. Peter Borwein, Petr Lisonék & Colin Percival, Computational investigations of the Prouhet-Tarry-Escott problem, Math. Comput., 72(2003) 2063–2070; MR 2004c:11042.