1. F. Arcieri, C. Cammino, E. Nardelli, M. Talamo, and A. Venza. The Italian Cadastral Information System: a Real-Life Spatio-Temporal DBMS. Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Database Management (STDBM’99),Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K., Sep.99, Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol.1678, 79–99, Springer-Verlag.
2. F. Arcieri, C. Cammino, E. Nardelli, M. Talamo, and A. Venza. Italian Cadastral Data Exchange System. GIM International,Dec.99, 13(12): 69.
3. F. Arcieri, E. Cappadozzi, P. Naggar, E. Nardelli, and M. Talamo. Access Key Warehouse: a New Approach to the Development of Cooperative Information Systems. 4th Int. Conf on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS’99),Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K., 46–56, Sep.99.
4. F. Arcieri, E. Cappadozzi, G. Melideo, P. Naggar, E. Nardelli, and M. Talamo. A Formal Model for Data Coherence Maintenance. Int. Workshop on Foundations of Models for Information Integration (FMII’01), 10th Workshop in the series Foundation of Models and Languages for Data and Objects (FMLDO), Viterbo, Italy, Sep. 01. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol., Springer-Verlag, 2001.
5. F. Arcieri, E. Cappadozzi, P. Naggar, E. Nardelli, and M. Talamo. Coherence Maintainance in Cooperative Information Systems: the Access Key Warehouse Approach. Accepted for publication in the Int..I. of Cooperative Information Systems, 11 (1–2): 175–200, 2002.