1. Angelov S, Grefen P. A framework for analysis of B2B electronic contracting support. Twente University: Cliff’ Technical Report Series, 2001 (a).
publications TrO1 .
2. Angelov S, Grefen P. B2B eContract handling - a survey of projects, papers and standards. Twente University: CTIT Technical Report Series, 2001(b).
publications Tr01 .
3. Chaffey D. E-business and E-commerce management. Harlow: Pearson Education Ltd., 2002.
4. Daskalopulu A. Legal contract drafting at the micro-level. Law in the Information Society. Proceedings of the 5th Int. Conference of the IDG-CNRI, 1998.
5. ebXML. Technical Architecture Specification v1.0.4. ebXML, 2001.