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2. M. Anselmo, D. Giammarresi, M. Madonia. From Determinism to Non-determinism in Recognizable Two-dimensional Languages.Procs. DLT07, LNCS 4588, 36-47, Springer Verlag, 2007.
3. M. Anselmo, D. Giammarresi, M. Madonia, A. Restivo. Unambiguous Recognizable two-dimensional languages. RAIRO - Inf. Theor. Appl. 40 (2006) 277-293
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5. A. Bertoni, M. Goldwurm, V. Lonati. On the Complexity of Unary Tiling-Recognizable Picture Languages. Procs. STACS’07, LNCS 4393, 381-392, Springer Verlag, 2007.