1. David Anderson. BOINC: A System for Public-Resource Computing and Storage. In Proceedings of the 5th IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Grid Computing, Pittsburgh, USA, November 2004.
2. David Anderson. Volunteer Computing: Planting the Flag. PCGrid 2007 Workshop, Long Beach, March 30 2007.
3. H. Balakrishnan, F. Dabek, M.F. Kaashoek, D.R. Karger, D. Liben-Nowell, R. Morris, and I. Stoica. Chord: a scalable peer-to-peer lookup protocol for Internet applications. Networking, IEEE/ACM Transactions on, 11.
4. Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC). See web site at: http://boinc.berkeley.edu/ .
5. Danny Bickson and Dahlia Malkhi. The Julia Content Distribution Network. 2nd Usenix Workshop on Real, Large Distributed Systems (WORLDS ’05), San Francisco, USA, December 2005.