1. D.E. Couch, H. Shapiro, J.K. Taylor, and A. Brenner:J. Elec- trochem. Soc., 1958, vol. 105, no. 8, pp. 450–56.
2. P. J. Chao, B. S. Payne, Jr., and D. K. Priest: ASD Technical Report 61-241, The Pfaudler Co., June 1961, p. 107.
3. M. Levy: AMRA TR 65-19, U.S. Army Materials Research Agency, July 1965, p. 12.
4. E. H. Girard, J. F. Clarke, and H. Breit: Final Report, Contract No. W 65-0340-f, Bureau of Naval Weapons, May 1966, p. 43.
5. E. M. Passomore, J. E. Boyd, and B. S. Lement:Trans. ASM, 1964, vol. 57, p. 760.