1. Asian Development Bank (ADB) (1996) Key Indicators of Developing Asian and Pacific Countries, 1996 Manila.
2. Cambodia, Department of Statistics, Ministry of Planning (1995) The Socio-Economic Survey of Cambodia, 1993–94 Phnom Penh.
3. Food and Agriculture Organization, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (FAO—ROAP) (1996) Selected Indicators of Food and Agriculture Development in Asia-Pacific Region, 1985–95 Bangkok.
4. Food and Agriculture Organization/ United Nations Development Programme (FAO/UNDP) (1996) Agriculture in Post-Transition Vietnam: Opportunities and Challenges TSS-1 Report: VIE/95/O1T, Hanoi.
5. General Statistical Office (GSO) (1994)Analysis of Results of Surveys on Rich and Poor State in Vietnam in 1993 Hanoi.