1. E. L. Feinberg:Journ. Phys. U.S.S.R.,4, 423 (1941).
2. Recent reviews of the available experimental data in comparison with previous theories are given in the following references:M. S. Freedman:Ann. Rev. Nucl. Sci.,24, 209 (1974);R. J. Walen andCh. Briançon: inAtomic Inner Shell Processes, edited byB. Crasemann, Vol.1 (New York, N. Y., 1975), p. 233.
3. E. L. Feinberg:Jad. Fiz.,1, 612 (1965) (English trnaslation:Sov. Journ. Nucl. Phys.,1, 438 (1965)).
4. J. Law andJ. L. Campbell:Nucl. Phys.,185 A, 529 (1972);187 A, 525 (1972).
5. J. Law andJ. L. Campbell: inProceedings of the International Conference on Inner Shell Ionization Phenomena and Future Applications, Atlanta, Ga., 1972, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Report No. CONF-720404 (unpublished), Vol.3, p. 2110.