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2. ?: The age and growth of the limpet (Acmaea dorsuosa Gould). Sci. Rep. Tôhoku Imp. Univ. Sendai 7, 347?363 (1932).
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4. Abe, N.: Ecological observations on a limpet, Siphonaria atra Quey et Gaimard, with a note on homing behaviour of limpets. Palao Trop. Biol. Sta., Studies No. 6 (1939). Zit. nach Abe (1940).
5. ?: The homing, spawning and other habits of a limpet, Siphonaria japonica Donovan. Sci. Rep. Tôhoku Imp. Univ. Sendai 15, 59?95 (1940).