1. H.Skeie, Collective Wave Propagation and Current Instabilities in a Piezoelectric Semiconductor, Report TE-73, (Electronikklaboratoriet, N.T.H. Trondheim, Norway, 1966), p. 39.
2. J.Falnes, Unstable resonances in a semiconductor wafer, Internat.J.Electronics, 24, pp. 505–520.
3. D.E.McCumber and A.G.Chynoweth, Negative Conductance Amplification and Gunn Instabilities in “Two-Valley” Semiconductors, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, ED13, 4–21 (Jan. 1966).
4. E.G.Phillips, Functions of a complex variable, 8th ed. p. 108 (Oliver and Boyd, 1957) (First edition 1940).
5. K.Knopp, Theory of Functions, Part II (Dover, New York, 1947), p. 105, pp. 141–144.