1. A. BLOKHUIS, A. BROUWER and H. WILBRINK, Hermitian unitals are codewords.Discrete Math. (to appear)
2. J.C. FISHER, J.W.P. HIRSCHFELD and J.A. THAS, Complete arcs in planes of square order.Annals of Discrete Math. 30 (1986), 243?250.
3. A. GARCIA and J.F. VOLOCH, Wronskians and linear independence in fields of prime characteristic.Manuscripta Math. 59 (1987), 457?469.
4. A. HEFEZ, Non-reflexive curves.Compositio Math. 69 (1989), 3?35.
5. J.W.P. HIRSCHFELD,Projective Geometries over Finite Fields. Clarendon Press, Oxford (1979).