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3. Eldridge, K.G., Owen, J.V., Griffin, A.R., and Harwood, C.E. 1983. Development of a method for assessing frost resistance of Eucalyptus. pp 145?151 In Proc IUFRO Frost Resistant Eucalypts Symposium, Bordeaux, France. AFOCEL, Nangis, France.
4. Franklin, E.C., and Meskimen, G. 1983. Choice of species and provenances in cold summer rainfall climates. pp. 341?357 In Proc. IUFRO Frost Resistant Eucalypts Symposium, Bordeaux, France. AFOCEL, Nangis, France.
5. Geary, T.F., Meskimen, G.F., and Franklin, E.C. 1983. Growing Eucalypts in Florida for industrial wood production. U.S.D.A. For.Serv., Southeast. For. Exp. Sta., Asheville, NC. Gen. Tech. Rpt. SE-23. 43 p.