1. Adelson E, Bergen J (1985) Spatiotemporal energy model of the perception of motion. J Opt Soc Am 2:284–299
2. Bartlett FC (1932) Remembering: a study in experimental and social psychology. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge
3. Bergson H (1889) Time and free will: an essay on the immediate data of consciousness. George Allen and Unwin Ltd, London
4. Bergson H (1896/1991) Matter and memory. Zone Books, New York
5. Bergson H (1912/1920) Intellectual effort. In: Mind-Energy, Lectures and Essays, Wildon Carr (translator). MacMillan and Col Ltd., London, 1920, pp 217–218. (Originally published in the Revue Philosophique, Jan., 1902).