1. Smith Walter G., A rare Nodose Condition of the Hair, Verhdl. der dermatol. Subsection der Jahresverslg. der British Medical Association in Cork 6. und 7. August 1879. — Brit. med. Journ. 16. und 23. August 1879. Vol. II. pag 291, ref.: Schmidt's Jahrb. Bd. 191. pag. 30; ref.: Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph. XII. 1880. pag. 145.
2. —, A rare Nodose Condition of the Hair, Brit. med. Journ. Mai 1880. Vol. I. pag. 654 (Fall von Liveing.)
3. Thin, A Case of Congenital Abnormality in the Hair-Production on the Skalp; Trans. Internat. med. Congress 1881. Vol. III. pag. 190. Archives of Dermatology VIII. 1882. pag. 237. Deutsche med. Wochschr. 1885. Nr. 9.
4. Kaposi, Bericht des Londoner internat. Congresses 1881;
5. Vidal, Bericht des Londoner internat. Congresses 1881;