1. V. G. Nosov, ?Physical investigations,? Reports of the Soviet Delegation to the International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, (Acad. Sci. USSR Press, Moscow, 1955) p. 303.
2. U. Businaro and S. Gallone, Nuovo Cimento,1, 629, 1277 1955).
3. B. T. Geilikman, ?Physical investigations,? Reports of the Soviet Delegation to the International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, (Acad. Sci. USSR Press, Moscow, 1955) p. 310.
4. B. T. Geilikman, Appendix No. 1 to the journal ?Atomic Energy,? (Atom. Press, 1957) p. 5.
5. S. Frankel and N. Metropolis, Phys. Rev.72, 914 (1947).