1. National Heart, Lung, Blood Institute: Morbidity and Mortality: 1996 Chartbook on Cardiovascular, Lung, and Blood Diseases. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health; 1996.
2. Cohn JN, for the Val-HeFT investigators: Results reported at the 73rd Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association. New Orleans, LA; 2000.
3. Yancy CW: Heart failure in African Americans: a cardiovascular enigma. J Card Fail 2000, 6:183–186. A comprehensive review of heart failure in blacks that includes comment on therapeutic efficacy of standard treatment regimens.
4. Dries DL, Exner DV, Gerch BJ, et al.: Racial differences in the outcome of left ventricular dysfunction. N Engl J Med 1999, 340:609–616. A landmark paper that describes much of the natural history of heart failure in blacks.
5. Carson P, Ziesche S, Johnson G, Cohn JN: Racial differences in response to therapy for heart failure: analysis of the vasodilator-heart failure trials. J Card Fail 1999, 5:179–187. An important but controversial re-analysis of the V-HeFT trials that attempts to establish racial differences in the response to vasodilators and ACE-inhibitors.