1. G. V. Samsonov and Ya. S. Umanskii, Hard Compounds of Refractory Metals [in Russian] (Metallurglzdat, Moscow, 1957).
2. G. V. Samsonov, Zh. strukt. khimli1, 447 (1960).
3. G. V. Samsonov, Dokl. AN SSSR86, 329 (1952).
4. P. Schwartzkopf and R. Kieffer, Refractory Hard Metals [Russian translation] (Metallurgizdat, Moscow, 1957).
5. G. V. Sarnsonov, T. S. Verkhoglyadova, M. M. Antonova, A. E. Koval'skii, and T. G. Makarenko, Zh. tekho. fiz.23, 265 (1953).