1. Pian, T. H. and D'Amato, T. N., “Low Cycle Fatigue of Notched and Unnotched Specimens of 2024 A1 Alloy Under Axial Load,” Wright Air Development Center, No. 58-27.
2. Libertiny, G. Z., “Effect of Hydrostatic Pressure on the Short Life Fatigue Property of an Alloy Steel,” Proc. I Mech. E., 182part C (1967–1968).
3. Manson, S. S., Thermal Stress and Low Cycle Fatigue, McGraw-Hill Co. (1966).
4. Libertiny, G. Z., Discussion, Trans. ASME, 876 (Dec. 1967).
5. Libertiny, G. Z., “Questions on the Effect of Extremely Large Multiaxial Pre-Strain on Fatigue,” Proc. 4th Canadian Cong. of Applied Mech., 137 (1973).