1. 44Wal: H. J. Wallbaum, “On Intermetallic Germanium Compounds,”Naturwissenshaften, 32, 76 (1944) in German. (Crys Structure; Experimental)
2. 52Arm: P. E. Armstrong, “The Zirconium-Germanium Alloy System,” M.S. thesis, Iowa State College, Ames, IA (1952). (Equi Diagram; Experimental; Indicates presence of a phase diagram)
3. Indicates key paper 56Car: O. N. Carlson, P. E. Armstrong, and H. A. Wilhelm, “Zirconium-Germanium Alloy System,”Trans. ASM, 48, 843–854 (1956). (Equi Diagram, Crys Structure; Experimental; Indicates presence of a phase diagram)
4. 57Smi: J. F. Smith and D. M. Bailey, “The Structures of ZrGe2, HfSi2, and HfGe2,”Acta Crystallogr., 10, 341–342 (1957). (Crys Structure; Experimental)
5. 58Par: E. Parthé and J. T. Norton, “Crystal Structures of Zr5Ge3, Ta5Ge3, and Cr5Ge3,”Acta Crystallogr., 11, 14–17 (1958). (Crys Structure; Experimetal)