1. S. Deryuzhinskii. Castration and Ligation of the art. iliacae internae by the method of Bier. Among Various Methods for the Radical Treatment of Prostatic Hypertrophy [in Russian] Dissertation (Moscow, 1896).
2. Ya. Levinson, Data Relevant to the Question of the Influence of Castration and Certain Other Operations on the Normal Prostate Gland [in Russian] (Yur'ev, 1900).
3. P. A. Lezin. On Changes in the Prostate Gland of Animals Secondary to Castration [in Russian] (Moscow, 1895).
4. P. A. Lezin. On the Anatomical Alterations in the Prostrate Gland Occurring After Castration [in Russian] Dissertation (Moscow, 1897).
5. F. I. Sinitsyn, Chir. Annual. Supplement4, p. 48 (1894).