1. Narayanan Ramachandran, “The Calibration Wind Tunnel,” NASA Technical Report, MSFC-ED35, NASA, Oct. 1992.
2. Narayanan Ramachandran, “High Reynolds number Effects on Hot Wire and Multi-hole Probes,” NASA Technical Report, USRA/ED-36 NASA MSFC, May 1994.
3. Janes, C.E., ”,Instruments and Methods for Measuring the Flow of Water Around Ship Models”, David Taylor Model Basin Report 487, March 1978.
4. Krause, L.N. and Dudzinski, T.J., “Flow-Direction Measurement with Fixed Position Probes in Subsonic Flows over a Range of Reynolds Number”, NASA TMX-52576, May 1969.
5. Treaster, A.L. and A.M. Yocum, “The Calibration and application of Five-hole Probes”, ISA Transactions, Vol. 18. No.3, pp 23–34, 1979.