1. W. R. Hamilton, “Researches respecting vibration, connected with the theory of light,” Proc. R. Irish Acad., vol. 1, pp. 341–349, 1839.
2. G. G. Stokes, “Smith’s prize examination question no. 11,” in Mathematical and Physical Papers, vol. 5, Cambridge University Press, 1905. p. 362.
3. L. Rayleigh, “On progressive waves,” Proc. London Math. Soc., vol. IX, pp. 21–26, 1877.
4. L. Rayleigh, “On the velocity of light,” Nature, vol. XXIV, pp. 52–55, 1881.
5. R. B. Lindsay, Mechanical Radiation. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1960. Chap. 1.