1. Brave S, Nass C (2003) Emotion in human–computer interaction. In: Jacko JA, Sears A (eds) Handbook of human–computer interaction. Lawrence Elrbaum, Mahwah, The chapter contains an excellent bibliography
2. Buck R (2002) Typology of emotions. Available at http://wattlab.coms.uconn.edu/ftp/users/rbuck/UConn9-00/sld001.htm . Accessed Apr 2002
3. Special issue of interacting with computers,2002
4. Desmet PMA (2002) Designing emotions. Doctoral dissertation, Delft University of Technology, (ISBN 90-9015877-4)
5. Desmet PMA, Hekkert P (2009) Special issue editorial: design & emotion. Int J Des 3(2):1–6