1. The Laguna Beach Participants, “Future Directions in DBMS Research”, ACM SIGMOD Record, l8, 1, 17–26, March 1989.
2. R.L. Cooper, M.P. Atkinson, D. Abderrahmane and A. Dearle, “Constructing Database Systems in a Persistent Environment”, in Proceedings of the 13
International Conference on Very Large Databases, Brighton, England, 117–126, September 1987.
3. R.L. Cooper, “Configurable Data Modelling Systems”, Proc. of 9th Conference on the Entity Relationship Approach, 35–52, Lausanne, October 1990 - also in Cooper 1991.
4. R.L. Cooper, “The Interaction between DBMS and User Interface Research”, editorial of “Interfaces to Database Systems 1992”, 1–5, Workshops in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, 1993.
5. R.L. Cooper and Z. Qin, “A Generic Data Model for the Support of Multiple User Access Mechanisms”, to be presented at the Enity Relationship 94 Conference, December, 1994.