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2. Henry, L. F. (1991). Some unusual vibrations in hydro machinery. Waterpower’91, pp. 2224–2233.
3. Crawford, C. C., & Ruud, F. O. (1967). Self-excited vibration of a hydraulic turbine. Journal of Engineering for Power, 31, 573–576.
4. Pulpitel, L. (1982). Self-excited vibration of pump-turbine guide vanes. IAHR section hydraulic machinery, equipment, and cavitation, 11th symposium, Amsterdam, vol. 2, Paper 40.
5. Nennemann, B., & Parkinson, E. (2010). YiXing pump turbine guide vane vibrations: Problem resolution with advanced CFD analysis. 25th IAHR symposium on hydraulic machinery and cavitation, Timisoara.