1. Ed Brinksma, Giuseppe Scollo and Chris Steenbergen, LOTOS specifications, their implementations and their tests, in G Bochmann, B Sarikaya (Eds) Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification VI, North Holland, 1987
2. Ed Brinksma, A theory for the derivation of tests,S Aggarwal, K Sabnani (Eds) Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification VIII,North Holland, 1989
3. Ed Brinksma and Tommaso Bolognesi, Introduction to the ISO specification language LOTOS,Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, Vol 14 Number 1, 1987
4. D Carrington, D Duke, R Duke, P King, G Rose and G Smith, Object-Z: An object oriented extension to Z, in S Vuong (Ed), Formal Description Techniques, 1989, North Holland, 1990
5. Elspeth Cusack, Refinement, conformance and inheritance,Formal Aspects of Computing Vol 3 No 2, April — June 1991