1. L. Norton-Wayne, W.J.Hill and R.A.Brook, Automated Visual Inspection of Moving Steel Surfaces. Brit. Jnl. of NDT vol.19 no. 5 pp.242–248.
2. W.J. Hill, L. Norton-Wayne and L. Finkelstein, Signal Processing For Automatic Optical Surface Inspection Of Steel Strip. Trans. Inst. MC vol.5 no.3 1983, pp.137–154.
3. C.B. Chittineni, Signal Classification for Automatic Industrial Inspection. Proc. IEE. vol.129 pt.E no.3 May 1982 pp.101–106.
4. L. Norton-Wayne, The Detection of Defects in Automated Visual Inspection. Ph.D. Thesis, The City University, London, 1982.
5. M.I. Skolnik, Introduction to Radar Systems. 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill, 1980.