1. Campbell, W. W. (1919). “Biographical Memoir of Edward Singleton Holden.” Biographical Memoirs, National Academy of Sciences 8: 347–372.
2. Holden, Edward S. (1899). “The Teaching of Astronomy in the Primary and Secondary Schools and in the University.” In Report of the Commissioner of Education for the Year 1897–98. Vol. 1, pp. 869–892. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office. (Holden was the author of the first-ever assessment of U.S. astronomy education, ranging from primary and secondary schooling through collegiate and post-graduate research instruction. Written for the U.S. Commissioner of Education, it was begun while Holden was still director of the Lick Observatory, but only completed/published after his resignation. His Report gave a strong endorsement to the prior Report of the Committee of Ten [1893].)
3. Osterbrock, Donald E. (1978). “Edward S. Holden – The Founder of the A.S.P. ” Mercury 7, no. 5: 106–110.
4. — (1984). “The Rise and Fall of Edward S. Holden.” Parts 1 and 2. Journal for the History of Astronomy 15: 81–127, 151–176.
5. Osterbrock, Donald E., John R. Gustafson, and W. J. Shiloh Unruh (1988). Eye on the Sky: Lick Observatory’s First Century. Berkeley: University of California Press.