1. King, David A. (1975). “Al-Khalīlī’s Qibla Table.” Journal of Near Eastern Studies 34: 81–122. (Reprinted in King, Islamic Mathematical Astronomy, XIII. London: Variorum Reprints, 1986.) (A discussion of Māridīnī’s method for finding the qibla direction and translation of a crucial passage appears on pp. 111–115.)
2. — (1983). “The Astronomy of the Mamluks.” Isis 74: 531–555. (Reprinted in King, Islamic Mathematical Astronomy, III. London: Variorum Reprints, 1986.) (A general survey of Islamic astronomical activities at the time of Māridīnī.)
3. — (1986). “Kibla: Astronomical Aspects.” In Encyclopaedia of Islam. 2nd ed. Vol. 5, pp. 83–88. Leiden: E. J. Brill. (Reprinted in King, Astronomy in the Service of Islam, IX. London: Variorum, 1993.)
4. Schmalzl, Peter (1929). Zur Geschichte des Quadranten bei den Arabern. Munich: Druck der Salesianischen Offizin. (Outdated, but still the most comprehensive general study of quadrants in Islamic culture.)
5. Schoy, Karl (1924). “Sonnenuhren der spätarabischen Astronomie.” Isis 6: 332–360. (A discussion of Arabic sources for the mathematical aspects of sundial construction, including tables computed for the latitude of Cairo.)