1. De Zeeuw, P. T., van de Ven, G. “Grigori Kuzmin and Stellar Dynamics.” Baltic Astronomy 20 (2011) 211–220.
2. Einasto, J. “Grigori Kuzmin and Astronomy in Estonia.” In Dynamics of Galaxies, Proc. Conf. 6–10 Aug. 2007, Pulkovo Observatory, St. Petersburg, Russia, p. 5, 2007.
3. Kuzmin, G. G. “Model of the steady galaxy allowing of the triaxial distribution of velocities.” Astronomicheskii Zhurnal 33 (1956), 27. (In Russian).
4. Kuzmin, G. G. “Quadratic integrals of motion and stellar orbits in the absence of axial symmetry of the potential.” In Structure and dynamics of elliptical galaxies, Proc. 127th Symp. of IAU, Princeton, NY. Ed. P. T. de Zeeuw and S. D. Tremaine. D. Reidel Publ. Co., pp. 553–556, 1987. (English translation; original in Russian was published in 1973).
5. Kuzmin, G. G. “The third integral of stellar motion and the dynamics of the stationary Galaxy.” Publ. Tartu Astron. Obs. 32 (1953), 332–368. (In Russian).